30th ETRA Conference on Tyre Recycling
De Mars 25, 2025 09:30 jusqu'à Mars 27, 2025 19:00 Enregistrer dans le calendrier
Posté par InfoAficep
Tyre textile fibers as material for Civil Engineering
Although a great deal of work has been done on recycling the rubber and metal parts of tires, there is very limited information on the management of the waste tire fibers.
The main problem is these tyre textile fibers are composed of different polymers and always contaminated with residual rubber. Also, there are handling issues (fluffy material) limiting its processing and applications in a circular economy.
A review of the techniques (chemical, mechanical, physical) to clean-up the waste tire fibers will be given and possibilities to reuse the material will be presented with a focus on large scale options in Civil Engineering and building construction, with an overview of future work and trends as well as comparison and combination with other (recycled) materials.
Denis Rodrigue obtained a B.Sc. (1991) and a Ph.D. (1996) in chemical engineering from Université de Sherbrooke (Sherbrooke, Canada) with a specialization in non-Newtonian fluid mechanics. In 1996 he moved to Université Laval (Quebec City, Canada) where he is now full professor. Since then, he has been an invited professor at the University of Guadalajara (Mexico), the Technical Institute of Karlsruhe (Germany), the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain), the University of Arts and Sciences of Hunan (China), the Technical University of Lodz (Poland), Polytech Tours (France) and Cracow University of Technology (Poland).
Discover more at the 30th ETRA Conference on Tyre Recycling, 25-27 March 2025
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