Plastics Recycling Workshop
De Septembre 30, 2025 09:00 jusqu'à Octobre 01, 2025 17:00 Enregistrer dans le calendrier
À Certech, Zone industrielle C, Rue Jules Bordet, B-7180 SENEFFE, Belgique
Posté par InfoAficep
With the participation of the following keynote speakers:
- Plastics Europe, Judit Gerra-Falcon
- Plastics Recyclers Europe, Jean-Emile Potaufeux
- TotalEnergies, Ahmad Al Farra
- Indaver, Uros Kresovic
Authors are invited to submit an abstract on the following topics:
- Challenges for plastics recycling in EU and circularity
- Specific case studies on PET, PE, PP, PVC, PS... recycling
- Challenges for specifications and traceability of recycled plastics
- Case studies of mechanical recycling
- Case studies of chemical recycling
- Performance and use of recycled plastics
- Odour and VOC characterisation and remediation
- Health and safety evaluation of recycling processes